Sarvottam Snan- Skinguard Panchgavya Soap / चर्मरक्षक पंचगव्य साबुन
₹150.00 ₹130.00
Daily use during bath.
पंचगव्य उत्पाद कुटीर द्वारा उत्पादित पंचगव्य स्नान साबुन आप सब के लिए उपलब्ध है।
….गाँव में बना हस्त निर्मित….
सामग्री –
9 in stock
Panchagavya soap is made from medicinal herbs, which has the ability to give you a fresh and glowing skin all day long. The herbs would also prevent infections from germs and clear scars from your skin. The benefits of using Panchagavya soap would make your skin look fresh and also brighten your skin. Furthermore, the soap prevents sunburn and kills bacteria that can lead to infections on your skin. The Panchagavya soap aids in the healing of bruises, burns and wounds and eliminate every form of scars that could arise from such injuries. Using Panchagavya soap regularly would also protect you from pollutions that could have adverse effects on your skin. The soap is therefore a perfect soap for you if you want your skin to always look its best.
लाभ —
- दाद खाज खुजली एवं सभी प्रकार के चर्म रोगों में उपयोगी।
- सफ़ेद दाग उपयोगी है।
- घमौरी नाशक और त्वचा की एलर्जी में लाभदायक।
- त्वचा को कोमल एवं मुलायम रखता है।
- त्वचा को स्वस्थ एवं सुंदर रखने में उपयोगी।
- सभी प्रकार के दाग़ धब्बो को मिटा देता है।
Additional information
Weight | 75 g |
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