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Panchgavy Dhooni and Hawan Samagri/पंचगव्य धूणी और हवन सामग्री
- ₹275.00
- देशी गौमाता के गौघृत, गौमूत्र, गोमय के अलावा शास्त्रों द्वारा प्रमाणित गुग्गुल, लोहबान, कपूर, दोनों प्रकार के चन्दन, जटामासी, गुलाब, जायफल, जावित्री, हल्दी, छड़-छड़ीला, नागरमोथा,नागकेशर, लाजवंती, कमलगट्टा, शहद, गिलोय, तुलसी, लौंग, इलायची, अगर-तगर, राय, खस, सुगंध कोकिला, सुगन्धि आदि अनेक रहस्यमयी सुगन्धित व औषधीय वनस्पतियों द्वारा निर्मित है। Made using 100% authentic organic herbs. 100 % Chemical free. No Artificial Fragrance…
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- -41%
Mini Hawan Kund (Big)/ सूक्ष्म हवन कुण्ड (बड़ा)-12 Pcs.-देसी गौघृत युक्त
- ₹150.00
- Cow Dung Mini Hawan Kund (Big) is the finest cow dung Kund made from panchagavya ingredients like cow dung, cow urine, ghee, curd, milk with more than 25 Ayurvedic herbs as Guggal, Lobaan, Kapoor, Chandan, Jatamasi, Gulaab, Jayphal, Giloy, Tulsi, Laung, Ilaychi, Agar-Tagar etc. Made using 100% authentic organic herbs. 100 % Chemical free. No Artificial Fragrance Added. Pure Desi…
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- -34%
Mini Hawan Kund (Small)/ सूक्ष्म हवन कुण्ड (छोटा)-12 Pcs.-देसी गौघृत युक्त
- ₹120.00
- Cow Dung Mini Hawan Kund is the finest cow dung Kund made from panchagavya ingredients like cow dung, cow urine, ghee, curd, milk with more than 25 Ayurvedic herbs as Guggal, Lobaan, Kapoor, Chandan, Jatamasi, Gulaab, Jayphal, Giloy, Tulsi, Laung, Ilaychi, Agar-Tagar etc. Made using 100% authentic organic herbs. 100 % Chemical free. No Artificial Fragrance Added. Pure Desi Cow…
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- Out of Stock-20%
Dhoop Cone / Dhoop-कोन (100% Chemical Free) 40 Pcs.
- ₹80.00
- Cow Dung Dhoop Cone is the finest cow dung dhoop made from panchagavya ingredients like cow dung, cow urine, ghee, curd, milk with more than 25 Ayurvedic herbs as Guggal, Lobaan, Kapoor, Chandan, Jatamasi, Gulaab, Jayphal, Giloy, Tulsi, Laung, Ilaychi, Agar-Tagar etc. Made using 100% authentic organic herbs. 100 % Chemical free. No Artificial Fragrance Added. Pure Desi Cow Ghee,…
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- Out of Stock-38%
Dhoop Stick / Agarbatti-अगरबत्ती (100% Chemical Free) 40 Pcs.
- ₹120.00
- cow dung dhoop is the finest cow dung dhoop made from panchagavya ingredients like cow dung, cow urine, ghee, curd, milk with more than 25 Ayurvedic herbs as Guggal, Lobaan, Kapoor, Chandan, Jatamasi, Gulaab, Jayphal, Giloy, Tulsi, Laung, Ilaychi, Agar-Tagar etc. Made using 100% authentic organic herbs. 100 % Chemical free. No Artificial Fragrance Added. Pure Desi Cow Ghee, Milk,…
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